Why Choose Mr DIY

Why Choose Mr DIY

I understand how difficult it can be to find trusted and reliable trades people.  That is why I aim to provide high quality customer service combined with high quality workmanship.

Happy Customers

My customers’ satisfaction is my priority.  I consistently receive positive feedback from my customers who universally comment on my professional interactions with them and the quality of service provided.  

One call can do it all 

Having a broad range of skills and knowledge means that I can tackle most jobs you need doing around the home and garden.  During my many years of experience, I have successfully completed work in every room of the house and outside the house too.  I am as comfortable working at height to fix roof tiles, paint window frames or climb trees, as I am working indoors or at ground level in the garden. 


I respect your home and your time. I am prompt, reliable and work tidily and understand that having work done inside your home can be disruptive and intrusive, so aim to work as efficiently and unobtrusively as possible.  


I am conscious of the need to carry out all work not only to a high standard, but safely too.  I have a current NPTC Level 2 Certificate in Chainsaw Maintenance and Crosscutting.

Fully Insured

You can rest assured that I am fully covered by Public Liability Insurance.

checkatrade approved member